Living social innovation: dreamy mass collaboration!

I’m currently in the middle of an application for StartingBloc, which is an organization that holds a fellowship on Social Innovation. Part of the application process is a series of essays. One of which asks how I “live” social innovation.

So now I have to figure out, what is social innovation? And how do I live it?

Perhaps it is taking new ideas to solve increasingly complex and intertwined problems. As I’ve learned more and read more books, I’m starting to think about things in new ways and to try to combine ideas in new and innovative ways that I think will be important new ways to see things.

The ideas that I’ll be thinking mostly about will be mass collaboration (like what I read about in Wikinomics) and how that has changed with access to the Internet, and the shift towards creating value in knowledge.

Something that I love about the Internet that it is the best tool we have to connect and communicate with other people. The potential for great work to be done is so huge that it gives me such great hope for the future. I like the idea that I can achieve more just by being able to reach out to other people who know more than I do and who may be willing to help in my quests.

I am aware, though, that my blog is in danger of just becoming a stagnant place for me to present my thoughts and projects. That is cool and I hope I can continue to write about topics that interest people, but I hope that this blog may become more of a hub for other thinkers to gather and contribute to a conversation. That said, please keep reading my blog, post comments, and email me about being a guest contributor!!


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